Thursday 26th September 2024 Day Conference : Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People St Wilfrid Cantley, Doncaster DN4 6QR - 10.30-3.00pm
This is especially for school staff, youth workers, priests and members of the community who have an interest in supporting bereaved children. Amanda Parsons and Lily Dale will be talking about the support offered to bereaved children from a hospice perspective, focussing on resources and their work to support staff in schools etc. They will also be sharing how to support a bereaved child. Fr David Teasdale is a parish priest in Leeds diocese who worked in the funeral profession for 15 years before being ordained. He still acts in a consultancy role for the wider death care profession. Fr Paul Cartwright is a parish priest in Leeds dioces and has experience as a Police Family Liaison Officer (FLO)/ chaplain. The primary purpose of an FLO is that of an investigator, to gather evidence and information from the family to contribute to the investigation and preserve its integrity. The FLO also provides support and information, in a sensitive and compassionate manner, securing confidence and trust of families of victims of crime (primarily homicide), road fatality, mass disaster or other critical incident, ensuring family members are given timely information in accordance with the needs of the investigation.
To read about and see photos of the day conference at Walsingham on 16th May 2024, click here
Father Tooth a biographical memoir
Reissued to celebrate the Guild's 150th anniversary Charles E Lee’s 1931 memoir of the Guild’s first President is now available with a new introduction by Colin Podmore. Click here for more details.
Thursday 7th November 2024 St Stephen's Gloucester Road, London SW7 4RL
Annual General Meeting - 6pm in St Stephen's Church Hall, Emperor Gate
Annual Solemn Requiem Mass - 7pm Preacher: Fr Christopher Smith, Vicar of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn
- light refreshments will be served afterwards -
Monthly Requiems at St Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, South Kensington, London SW7 4RL
Please contact the parish priest, Fr Philip Barnes, for times of Requiem Masses. Phone: (+44) (0)20 7370 3418 email: [email protected] website:
Chantry Chapel , Walsingham
The Chantry Chapel is open daily from 7am to 10 pm. Departed members are remembered in perpetuity on the anniversary of their death. Click herefor more information and times of daily Mass.
Our 150th Anniversary
The Guild of All Souls was founded on 15th March 1873, so was 150 years old on 15th March 2023. The Council has marked this event throughout the anniversary year as described in Recent Events and by the book below.