four-week cycle
For the daily cycle of prayer for The Guild, its parishes and special intentions, click here
For the traditional weekly prayers of The Guild, click here
Week OneWe pray for the dying; for those who have terminal illness; for all who feel forsaken and afraid; for those who are in the darkness of despair. Loving Father, as we celebrate your sacred gift of life, we pray for those who are tempted to assist or encourage others to take their own lives. Let us pray for all families caring for terminally ill children. We commend to God all who are concerned with the dying and the bereaved, especially nurses, doctors, undertakers, registrars and priests, that they may find words and actions that are truly comforting. Lord, we pray for those who have been forgotten and have no-one to pray for them; for the thousands throughout the world who die from malnutrition, neglect, disease or because of war. We pray for all the dead. Jesus said to the penitent thief: "Truly, I say to you, this day you will be with me in Paradise." May these words be heard by all our departed brothers and sisters, especially .......... Week Two Each night the Church's prayer is: "May the Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end." Let us pray that we may be delivered from sudden and unprepared death and for hope and confidence at the moment of our death. We pray for the dying; for those dying in pain; for those dying alone and unloved; for those dying with little or no faith; for those dying receiving the last rites of the church. Let us pray for all who work in chapels of rest, mortuaries, churchyards, cemeteries and crematoria and all who visit them; may their reverence and care reflect hope in the Resurrection of the body and everlasting life. Lord, we pray for all who have experienced sudden, violent or accidental death and all those affected by it in any way, especially those who work in the police, ambulance and fire services and road, rail, sea and mountain rescue services. We pray for all the dead, especially those remembered by the Guild of All Souls ………….. ; may they experience the joys of Heaven in the company of all the saints. |
For some brief thoughts and prayers for every day of the month, click here
Week ThreeWe pray for the dying; may death be to them the gate of everlasting life. Let us pray for all who care for the dying; may they see in their dying brothers and sisters the person of Christ Himself and continue their ministry of care with compassion and love. We pray for all the bereaved, especially those suffering from distress, guilt, lack of forgiveness, sleeplessness, depression, loneliness, anger or lack of purpose; may they experience the love of Christ. We pray for all who have died by suicide; that in the life of the world to come they may be released from the prison of despair and suffering that they endured before death and experience the joy of the Resurrection. Lord, we pray for all the departed, especially …………... Grant them rest and peace, and to each of us such a measure of communion with them as you know to be best for us. Week FourWe pray for all who will die today; that they may hear those words of Christ, "Today you will be with me in paradise." Loving Heavenly Father, we pray for all children who have died; for those miscarried or aborted and those who have been stillborn. May they be freed from any pain they have experienced and be at peace in your kingdom. Christ, our Loving Lord, in your kindness be with all the bereaved and bring them your comfort and peace. May our concern for them be a reflection of your love. Let us commend to God the unrested dead. May they go their way to their everlasting home assured that our prayers follow them. May all harmful influence be removed from any people who have been disturbed. We pray for our departed brothers and sisters ………… , all the dead in Christ and all the dead whose faith is known to God alone. May they share in eternal life with Him. |
Prayer CardsBelow are a few of the prayer cards published by The Guild, which are available free of charge. All be viewed by clicking here: |